Manual Positions
Swell | |
Great | |
Choir |
Console to the left of the keys
Console to the |
Swell | Pedals | Couplers |
Bellows Signal | Tremulant | Oboe 8′ |
Flute |
Stopped |
Principal |
Fifteenth |
Dulciana |
Trumpet |
Double Open Diapason 16′ |
Double Dulciana 16′ |
Grand Posaune 16′ |
Open Diapason 8′ |
Viola d’ Gamba 8′ |
Bourdon 16′ |
Choir to Pedal |
Great to Pedal |
Swell to Pedal |
Choir to Great 16′ |
Swell to Choir |
Swell to Great |
Console to the right of the keys
Console to the right of the keys |
Choir | Great |
Flute a’Chiminee 4′ |
Viola d’Amour 8′ |
Corno d’Basetto 8′ |
Cremona 8′ |
Eolina |
Open |
Stopped |
Dulciana |
Celestina |
Piccolo |
Clarion 4′ |
Trumpet 8′ |
Sesquialtra (Mixture) |
Fifteenth 2′ |
Twelfth 3′ |
Flute 4′ |
Pedal Check |
Principal 4′ |
Melodia 8′ |
StoppedDiapason (Bass) |
Bourdon 16′ |
Open Diapason 8′ |