2014 Spring International Concert

St. John’s Organ Society is pleased to announce that Japanese organist, Hatsumi Miura, will play a concert on the historic organ at St. John’s Catholic Church on Friday, April 4, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. Miura is the resident organist at Yokohama Minato Mirai Symphonic Hall. She teaches organ at Ferris University and serves as organist at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, both in Yokohama. Miura enjoys an international reputation as a concert artist, and is highly sought after in her native Japan and in the United States.

Hatsumi Miura
Hatsumi Miura

Hatsumi Miura will perform music of Bach, Brahms, Reger, and Arauxo. The program will include a newly-premiered work by Japanese composer Hina Sakamoto entitled “All Glory, Laud, and Honor” (hymn tune St. Theodulph). This new work is dedicated to Ms. Sakamoto’s teacher of composition at Toho Gakuen School of Music in Tokyo, Akira Miyoshi.

The April 4th program continues the tradition of an annual concert by an internationally recognized recitalist on the historic E. & G. G. Hook organ, Opus 288, at St. John’s Catholic Church. Hook’s Opus 288, the largest 19th-Century pipe organ in northern New England, has been described by Alan Laufman (past president of the Organ Historical Society) as “…a national treasure.”

St. John’s Catholic Church is located at 207 York Street in Bangor. Admission is free, but donations are appreciated and will benefit outreach and education projects of St. John’s Organ Society, a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation and stewardship of the historic E. & G. G. Hook Organ built in 1860.